Real Clear Politics

Biden Deserves a No Confidence Vote

Joe Biden did not give an adequate rationale as to why he waited so long to make the decision to end his reelection campaign.

Tech for Trump

Silicon Valley's swing away from Democrats goes well beyond the presidential race.

Will Biden Relinquish the Presidency?

Wednesday on the RealClearPolitics radio show, Tom Bevan, Carl Cannon, and Andrew Walworth look forward to President Joe Biden's address tonight explaining his decision not to run for reelection.

What Does Biden Do Now?

In an Oval Office speech, Biden said his farewells. But his job isn't done yet.

FBI 'Crisis of Confidence'

As FBI director Chris Wray performed his usual smarmy stonewalling in Congress Wednesday, a damning report on his $10 billion agency's cult of narcissism was delivered to the House Judiciary Comm...

Did Dems Make a Mistake by Denying Voters a Primary Process?

Yeah, and that's - you had me thinking about the point that you made right before we were coming on the air. This idea that whether or not his legacy is going to stand up in the way that he wanted to frame it tonight is going to depend on what happens in November, because if in fact Kamala Harris, the presumptive nominee, loses to Donald Trump in November, there are going to be so many questions for the Democratic Party to soul-search about how they got to a point where they denied themselves a primary process, a crucible that could have produced perhaps a stronger candidate.

Republicans Should Expect Harris To Make It a Closer Race

Since President Biden dropped his reelection bid and passed the baton to Kamala Harris, Republicans have been loudly optimistic about their chances against the vice president. Harris, they argue, is too liberal to win, was a lousy candidate in 2020, and will be again. In their view, Donald Trump remains a solid favorite.

Biden Should Have Given This Speech a Year Ago

The president's Oval Office address was a patriotic rallying cry. But it would have been more impactful had he voluntarily decided not to seek re-election sooner.
