Organization Bylaws




The name of this organization shall be Kitsap County Democratic Women (KCDW).


ARTICLE II – Purpose


A. The purpose of this organization shall be:

     1. To promote the role of women in Democratic politics and elected office.

     2. To carry on a program of education and information for our members and community.

     3. To assist the Democratic Party in Kitsap County.


ARTICLE III – Officers and At-Large Executive Board Members


A. The officers of the KCDW shall consist of President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Deputy Treasurer.

B. The officers and three members at-large to the Executive Board shall be nominated and elected in November and installed in December of even numbered years.

C. The terms of office shall be for two years.

D. Any member who is a paid member at least twenty-eight (28) days prior to election and is a registered voter in Kitsap County shall be eligible for election to any office.

E. If the office of President becomes vacant during a term, the Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President until a new President is elected.

F. If any office becomes vacant during a term, said office shall be filled by election at the next regular or special meeting, and the newly elected officer shall serve out the remainder of that term.

G. Any officer may be removed from office for failure to discharge the duties of the office to the satisfaction of the membership, provided:

     1. The charges for removal are in writing and signed by at least ten (10) members.

     2. The officer so charged and the membership-at-large received written notice by electronic or U.S Mail at least seven (7) days before a meeting called by the Executive Board at which the charges are to be addressed.

     3. The officer charged has the opportunity to address the membership.

     4. Two-thirds of the voting members present and voting cast ballots in favor of removal.


ARTICLE IV – Officers' Duties


A. President

     1. Direct the activities of the KCDW, as stated in Article II, and act as spokesperson for the organization.

     2. Preside at the KCDW’s regular, special and Executive Board meetings, conducting business in accordance with these Bylaws and Robert’s Rules of Order, latest edition.

     3. Notify the Vice-President prior to absence from any meeting.

     4. Appoint Standing/Special Committee chairs and committee members.

     5. Act as an ex-officio member of all committees.

     6. Represent the KCDW as a member of the Kitsap County Democratic Central Committee Executive Board.

     7. Appoint an Audit Committee to audit the Treasurer’s books at the close of each two-year term. If the Treasurer position is vacated during a term, cause an immediate audit to be conducted.

     8. Appoint an acting Secretary in the absence of the Secretary.

     9. Sign checks on the treasury when the Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer is not available.

     10. Turn over all records to the succeeding officer.

B. Vice-President

     1. Preside at regular, special, and Executive Board meetings in the absence of the President.

     2. With concurrence from the Executive Board:

          a. Arrange for speakers.

          b. Reserve a meeting place.

          c. Place meeting notices in local publications.

     3. Notify the President if unable to attend any meeting.

     4. Turn over all records to the succeeding officer.

     5. Perform other duties as assigned by the President.

C. Secretary

     1. Record proceedings of all meetings.

     2. Notify the President if unable to attend any meeting.

     3. Preside at regular and Executive Board meetings in the absence of the President and Vice-President.

     4. Turn over all records to the succeeding officer.

     5. Perform other duties as assigned by the President.

D. Treasurer

     1. Receive all monies of the KCDW and deposit in the bank.

     2. Make Public Disclosure reports as required.

     3. Keep a record of all receipts and disbursements. Such disbursements must be made only with documentation by invoice/receipt or Executive Board approval. Disbursements requiring signed contracts need Executive Board approval prior to signing.

     4. Present a financial report at each regular and Executive Board meeting, and an annual report at the end of the calendar year.

     5. In odd numbered years, in conjunction with the President, prepare a bi-annual budget for presentation to the Executive Board at the February meeting for review and recommendation to the membership for approval at the next membership meeting.

     6. Serve as an automatic member of the Finance Committee.

     7. Maintain the official membership roster indicating the status of members’ dues.

     8. Notify the President if unable to attend any meeting.

     9. Preside at regular meetings in the absence of the President, Vice-President, and Secretary.

     10. Turn over all records to the succeeding officer.

     11. Perform other duties as assigned by the President.

E. Deputy Treasurer

     1. Assume all duties of the Treasurer during any period the Treasurer is unable to perform her/his duties in a timely manner.


ARTICLE V – Executive Board


A. The Executive Board shall consist of:

     1. The President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Deputy Treasurer.

     2. Three at-large members.

     3. Standing Committee Chairs.

     4. The immediate past President.

B. All members of the Executive Board have a vote except Standing Committee Chairs, and the Immediate Past President.

C. The President may convene the Executive Board at any time at her/his discretion, or at the request of at least five (5) elected members of the Executive Board.

D. A quorum of the Executive Board shall be four (4) elected members eligible to vote.

E. The Executive Board may make recommendations to the general membership concerning policies of the KCDW.

F. In the interim between general membership meetings, the authority to act on all business other than endorsements and approvals, shall be vested in the Executive Board.

G. Any action of the Executive Board taken by electronic (phone, email) vote shall be documented by special minutes.


ARTICLE VI – Standing/Special Committees


A. Standing/Special Committees may consist of, but are not limited to the following:

     1. Membership Committee

     2. Finance Committee

     3. Fundraising Committee

     4. Political Information and Issues Committee

     5. Communications Committee

     6. Bylaws Committee

     7. Sunshine Committee

B. The Chair and membership of each committee shall serve at the pleasure of the President.


ARTICLE VII – General Membership Meetings


A. Regular meetings shall be held as scheduled by the Executive Board. Special meetings may be called by the President.

B. A quorum shall consist of the presence of twenty (20) percent of regular voting members.

C. A notice shall be sent to all members at least seven (7) days in advance of membership meetings by electronic or U.S. Mail.


ARTICLE VIII – Membership


A. Any person who is supportive of the purposes as set forth in Article II is eligible for membership.

B. Any person eligible for membership can become a regular voting member by paying her/his dues per Article IX.

C. The Executive Board has the authority to add non-voting membership categories as it deems appropriate.

D. The General Membership has the authority to approve individual honorary, non-voting memberships with no annual dues.




A. Membership dues are payable on January 1st of each year. Dues shall be determined by a vote of the membership following a month’s notice.

B. Membership dues paid during November or December will be applied to the remainder of the current calendar year and the next calendar year.

C. Previous year membership ends January 31st.



ARTICLE X – Candidate and Issue Support


A. Candidates for election in partisan or non-partisan races may be considered for Endorsement and/or Approval by the membership.

B. Prior to consideration by the KCDW, all Democratic and non-partisan candidates for local, county, and legislative district offices that are within Kitsap County shall be sent a questionnaire by the President, who shall present the returned questionnaires to the Executive Board which will act as a screening committee.

C. The KCDW may consider for Endorsement: 

     1. any previously endorsed Democratic incumbent candidate who is unopposed by another Democrat without requesting a completed questionnaire

     2. any previously endorsed non-partisan incumbent candidate who is unopposed without requesting a completed questionnaire

D. After review of this request the Executive Board may recommend to the general KCDW membership the following actions regarding this candidate:

     1. Endorsement

     2. Approval

     3. or No Action

E. Endorsements require a 75% majority vote of voting members present and voting at a general meeting and are constrained to one candidate in each primary or general election race.

F. Approvals require a simple majority vote of voting members present and voting at a general meeting and may be granted to more than one candidate in a primary election or general election race where no Endorsement exists.

G. The KCDW may take a position of Support, Opposition, or No Action on issues by a simple majority vote of voting members present and voting at a general meeting.

H. The KCDW may provide financial assistance to individual Democratic candidates and non-partisan candidates who have been endorsed by the membership.

I. The KCDW may provide financial assistance to groups in support of, or opposed to, issues upon which the membership has taken a position.





A. A majority vote shall prevail unless otherwise provided and no proxy voting is allowed.

B. A member may not vote for any officer, removal of any officer, endorsement, approval, or issue unless she/he is a paid member at least twenty-eight (28) days prior to the vote.


ARTICLE XII – Parliamentary Authority


The KCDW shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order, latest edition, for all matters not specifically covered by these Bylaws.


ARTICLE XIII – Amendments


A. These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of voting members present at any regular or special meeting, provided the amendment(s) has (have) been distributed at a preceding regular or special meeting called for that purpose.

B. A written notice of such intention must be sent to each member by electronic or U.S. Mail at least seven (7) days before the meeting where the vote is to be taken.

C. A period of at least twenty-eight (28) days must occur between presentation of the proposed amendment(s) and the vote to amend.


Revised and Approved on the 22nd of April 2009

Revised and Approved on the 8th of June 2013

Revised and Approved on the 19th of November 2015

Revised and Approved on the 14th of November 2018

Revised and Approved on the 23rd of January 2019

Revised and Approved on the 28th of October 2020